As a student-run organization at Colorado Mesa University, we promote sustainable practices through education and student-led initiatives in order to inspire CMU faculty, 工作人员, and students to celebrate and protect the Earth and it's resources. We aim to cultivate a campus-wide culture that values our public lands, 减少我们的影响, and celebrates sustainable advancements on an individual and community-wide scale.
可持续性 Council works to educate and provide resources on recycling to the campus community. 可持续性 Council manages recycling at campus events.
可持续性 Council is always looking to expand our current programs, 接触更多学生, and connect with more community members. Each and every initiative is aimed at an environmental issue facing the Western Slope.
- Partnerships between 可持续性 Council, 设施, and the City of Grand Junction are moving forward to increase the availability of recycling on campus, as well as the education students receive to ensure recyclables go where they need to.
- Coordination between 可持续性 Council and the Criterion is leading to a reoccurring 可持续性 Column! Members of the Council will rotate every issue of the Criterion, so students are provided with up-to-date information on how to live sustainably, issues facing our planet, 和更多的
The 可持续性 Council manages a student-run University Garden and 堆肥设施.
The University Garden is a student-run garden on the Western Colorado Community College campus. It is open to everyone and is a place for people to come together to share interests, 一间教室, and a productive garden that feeds members of our campus community. The garden includes 800 square feet of grow space to generate fresh produce to members of the garden as well as to sell to the student and faculty body.
The Compost Facility is a student-driven initiative that converts university-generated food waste into a nutrient-rich soil additive.